Streetwise Security Products introduces their newest design in personal protection, the Sting Ring. This revolutionary, patent-pending model separates itself from all other stun guns on the market today and has become one of our best sellers. Women can conceal the base of the unit in the palm of their hand exposing only the top of the Sting Ring. The rounded base feels natural in your hand, and when gripped firmly it's nearly impossible for an attacker to take it from you. The Squeeze-N-Stun Technology could save your life by saving you valuable seconds when defending yourself in a panic situation. Rather than having to fumble around looking for the right buttons to push you simply turn off the safety and tighten your grip to activate the unit and stun your attacker!
*Actual Voltage output is difficult to measure and verify, but this unit compares to other brands that claim to be 18,000,000 or more volts.
James & Brooke Moore
Store Owners
We are located in NJ where it was virtually impossible to purchase products to protect our loved ones. Our company has been around since 2016. It’s your right to feel safe and secured as you go about your daily routines. As grateful as we are to our law enforcement, they are simply spread too thin and can’t be everywhere. It’s time for us to step up, and Protect What Matters Most: Each other!
We are all about shifting the power balance from bullies back to law abiding citizens. More than ever, it’s important for us to protect ourselves and our communities. Here at Royalty Defense, we aim to supply your needs via self defense education, and affordable personal protection products.