This compact yet powerful stun gun is designed for the man you want to keep out of your life. It looks just like a perfume spray bottle, so it is small enough to carry in your pocket or purse. But don't let its small size fool you- it may be discrete and easy to conceal, but it is capable of bringing an attacker to his knees.
The Streetwise stun gun is a self-defense device that disrupts the messages the brain sends to the voluntary muscles. Simply touching an attacker with a stun gun for three to five seconds will deliver a high voltage shock causing loss of balance and muscle control, confusion, and disorientation bringing him to his knees and making him incapable of further aggressive activity. Full recovery takes about five to ten minutes and there is no permanent harm.
*Actual Voltage output is difficult to measure and verify, but this unit compares to other brands that claim to be 3,500,000 or more volts.
James & Brooke Moore
Store Owners
We are located in NJ where it was virtually impossible to purchase products to protect our loved ones. Our company has been around since 2016. It’s your right to feel safe and secured as you go about your daily routines. As grateful as we are to our law enforcement, they are simply spread too thin and can’t be everywhere. It’s time for us to step up, and Protect What Matters Most: Each other!
We are all about shifting the power balance from bullies back to law abiding citizens. More than ever, it’s important for us to protect ourselves and our communities. Here at Royalty Defense, we aim to supply your needs via self defense education, and affordable personal protection products.